The Scouts BSA program puts a strong emphasis on having the Scouts teach each other.

The Scouts use the EDGE method: Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, and Enable; to pass on their skills and knowledge to other Scouts.

As a part of a Scouts’ Cub Scouting experience, they meet with Scouts BSA Troops, learning skills and looking for units they may wish to join. These Scouts represented Troop 1920 at a recent Webelos Midway to make sure that the Girls in Cub Scout Webelos Dens knew that there would be a place for them when they were ready to move on to Scouts BSA.

Although we are a new Troop, we will be guiding the Scouts to teach each other whenever possible. In this way, they learn valuable skills for Communication, Teaching, and Leadership. They gain greater confidence in themselves and their abilities, and they reinforce their own knowledge of important life skills and scoutcrafts.