Camporee is here! We always have the best time at camporee, and our patrols got tied for 6th place, and were the highest ranking girls. For those who don’t know, camporee is a chance to interact and have fun with other scout troops and patrols by going around a campground and participating in different competitions and games for points.
Before we did those games though, we had to set up camp, which was a bit of an adventure with rocky ground, lots of leaves and sticks, and wasps coming from all sides. In our original place to set the tents, there was apparently a nest of wasps around, so we moved them once we realized we were being swarmed. It was an adventure to be sure, and we’re definitely going to be more wary of wasps next time.
Other than the wasps, we had an amazing time going to the stations, having fun, and playing games. We did things like make shelters, do knife throwing, knots, learn about blacksmithing, used radios, made fires, did archery, tug of war, and so many other things. It rained a lot while we did that though, so it was pretty muddy.
We were able to spend a lot of time around the campfire, hanging out, talking, playing games, and just vibing in general. Our scoutmaster entered into the cooking competition, with a carrot cobbler, which we got the extras of. It was delicious.
Camporee is always so fun, and it was no different this time. Lots of adventures, achievements, and learning.