There was so much to happen this week! We had a relatively long ride to the camp, and because it was raining, when we got out of the car, everything was wet, except under our small pavilion. Once we unpacked, we took a short tour of camp, seeing the shooting sports area with riflery, archery and more. Soon, we were able to take our swim tests, and I’m proud to say one of the scouts that has been working on her swimming was able to pass the swimmer test! Anyway, after that we had some free time until dinner (which was delicious), and the campfire, which didn’t end up being a campfire because it rained again.
Throughout the week, there was a polar bear swim in the morning, followed by qualifiers for and the Mile Swim, which one of our scouts was one of the only ones to do. We were able to go to so many cool classes, including camping, first aid, astronomy, nature, small boat sailing, stained glass, C.O.P.E, and more (some being eagle required merit badges)!
Apart from our classes, there were things we could do during free time, including animation merit badge, a triathlon with swimming, running and rowing (which we won). The same course was for the iron man, where one person does all of them instead of three people which another one of our scouts was the only girl to do so. There was also a swampathon, where you row around and try to sink other rowboats while trying to be the one on the lake the longest. There was also supposed to be a star hike, which ended up being hosted inside the nature building with a portable planetarium because of guess what, more rain.
Speaking of, it was really wet most of the time, especially in our campsite, Kit “Kiddie Pool” Carson. In fact, there was once a storm in the middle of lunch, right after we had done our campsite improvement project, AKA repainting the tables in the pavilion. Evidently, we couldn’t eat on the tables, so we ate lunch(pizza) in one of our empty tents!
Another… Interesting thing that happened during the beginning of the camp were pranks, which included putting multiple boats on top of pavilions, the climbing tower, etc… Lets just say every morning we woke up to something new, until it went a bit too far and was mostly shut down. We had a bit of a smaller bit of fun we had through the week though, which includes a little bit to a lot of glitter.
Through the week, our troop had spirit days, including Military Monday – cargo pants with black shirt/anything military-y you have, Taco Tuesday – shirts the color of our favorite ingredient in tacos, Disney Wednesday – everyone having a different princess to have a nod to, Where’s Waldo – red and white stripes, and of course, Glitter Friday. In the morning, we put body glitter on our faces like cheerleaders, and brought it around for whoever wanted any. Knowing glitter, we all still have some on us.
Overall, I think every scout who came really enjoyed our time at Conestoga, and we all made lots of friends. We tried things we’ve never tried before, and had fun even through discomfort.