And another school year comes up! Time moves so fast. But as school is starting again, so do regular meetings and regular campouts as well. This is our first campout of the school year, and it was a good one. We got to the campsite, started a fire, got our banner set up and settled in for a good evening of light dinner and snacks and a few games of werewolf to get us back in the camping spirit. The next day is when the real fun began.

The next day, after a phenomenal breakfast, we went to an orienteering course and split up into two groups, a beginner group and an advanced one. We were able to take a fun little hike through the woods looking for landmarks with our compasses, and spending time with our groups. Really fun day, and when we got back, we were able to have a hearty lunch, play around, make skits and perform them, advance some of the younger scouts in rank in preparation for the upcoming Court of Honor, and more. We had a tasty dinner, more games of werewolf, and eventually, we settled down for bed.

Another one of those simpler campouts, which are some of the ones I cherish, because they’re a time to relax and recover after plunging into the new year. We had a great time learning how to use compasses, exploring camping meals, and more.

Orienteering Campout 2024