Wow guys, this has been a FUN week, a week of achievements, and awards, and fun, and rain, and having an awesome time. Where do I even start? The fact that one of our scouts was working as a camp councilor there was amazing for one, because we got to camp with them for summer camp. We were able to have so many scouts there learning and growing, and taking so many classes, and earning so many things.

Most of what scout camp is is merit badges. We had people doing all sorts of them, and many of us had classes together. some merit badges scouts were able to earn include climbing, architecture, communication, wilderness survival, camping, forestry, environmental science, woodcarving, geology and mining in society, oceanography, kayaking, astronomy, and so much more.

Everyday, we started out the day with an opening flag ceremony, then had breakfast and headed to our morning classes. For lunch, because it was really hot and humid, we went to the dining hall – which was amazing by the way – and had sandwiches. Then, after an afternoon of more classes, we would have free time, when we could choose to hang out at the campsite, do service projects for points, get more merit badges that were offered at various stations, complete qualifiers for the mile swim, and more. After that, you’d get dinner(one of which was a foil dinner you cooked at your campsite) after a closing flag ceremony, and a bit more free time before it was time to get ready for bed.

One thing that we enjoyed doing for those open times is completing tasks for the Camp Adventure award and the Troop of the Week award. a lot of those events coincided with each other, so it made sense to do them at the same time. If you get awarded the camp adventure award, you get a ribbon to hang on your troop flag, because you did things at camp that included things like an astronomy hike, the polar bear swim, pirates breakfast where you eat breakfast out on the lake in a canoe, the interfaith service, performing for the closing camp wide fire, cleaning the showers, participating in a flag ceremony, keep up a good camp inspection score, and more.

For the Troop of the Week award, we got to paint out troop emblem onto an oar they displayed for the coming weeks, so basically, bragging rights. You earn point through the week by doing things like in the camp adventure award, but also things like service projects, where we repainted a bench, collected wood, and tied together the sides of our tents. You could also get points by participating in the Olmsted Olympics, when on the last day there’s a bunch of games you can do and compete with the other troops in. And y’all, guess what? We won Troop of the Week. I’m so proud of our scouts and our dedication to being such exemplary scouts and awesome people.

Anyways, with so many adventures and good times, it’s no wonder we had an amazing time at Scout Camp this year, and I hope we can keep up the good times coming for years to come.

Olmsted Scout Camp 2024