Ah, another year come and gone, and with school starting, it’s time for another attempt at bringing people into the troop. For this recruitment campout, it was a lot rainy-er than last time. As always, we had a bunch of activities ready for anyone who came so we can show off how cool scouting is. Sadly, because it was rainy, no one came. On the bright side, we were able to pass off plenty of requirements, and even got some people to rank up! In addition, we were able to spend most of the day sheltered under a pavilion, so we didn’t even get all that wet.
We did have a bit of an adventure with the plumbing in the toilets, but it was a learning experience, and some scouts learned more about how a toilet works.
The night before it got incredibly rainy, it was actually really nice, so we had a fire, and hung out in the field by the fire pit. We had a portable firepit near the pavilion as well, so we were able to have a fire basically all the time, which was very nice, especially when it got cold.
Eventually, we decided to just go home rather than stay the night again and pack it all up in the morning, so we all got to sleep in our own beds for the second night. This campout didn’t really serve the purpose we had in mind, but it was a good campout nonetheless, because we were able to spend time with friends, and get things signed off before our upcoming Court of Honor.