All adult leaders, registered committee members, and merit badge counselors MUST complete the BSA Youth Protection Training.
- Create an account a,
- login to that account and then select the Youth Protection Training (upper right side of page),
- complete the training, and make a copy of your training certificate for us to submit with your application.
Please contact us in person before applying on-line to become an Adult leader with our Troop. If you are already registered with another Scout unit, and this will be a “multiple” registration, please use the paper application forms.
To become a merit badge counselor, it is necessary to complete:
- Review the available merit badges and decide which one(s) you believe you are qualified to counsel for based on your experience, profession, hobbies, or interests.
- The paper Adult Leader Application, including the authorization for a background check (an online application is also available), and
- Create an account a, login, and complete the Youth Protection Training and print a copy of your completion certificate.
- Complete the Application to become a Merit Badge Counselor and indicate which merit badges you would be interested in being a counselor for.
- Log in to your account and go to the BSA learning center to complete the on-line training for a merit badge counselor.