The first thing we did was drive for 2 hours. it was actually really nice. anyways, this weekend, we’re glamping. Glamping is basically camping, but instead of tents you have a cabin. Our cabin had a fridge, a microwave, an oven and a stove, and a HEATER. Hallelujah, right? Especially because somehow during the course of this campout it somehow snowed like 4 different times each time bringing strong winds with it. It literally snowed dippen’ dots. Anyways…
ILST is a training where you do different activities that focus on different aspects of leadership. You work with the other people to complete a common goal. Some activities that we did were being guided through an obstacle course while blindfolded, a game called magic carpet, a snake game where you find things while only one person isn’t blindfolded, making a spaghetti tower, doing a puzzle with pieces mixed in with a different puzzle, having to copy a drawing that you can’t see, you only get descriptions from line of two other people, and more. In between activities, we had discussions on the different aspects of leadership we were showing. Some of these included communication, trust, delegation, and more.
In between all of our leadership training-ness, we did eat. Some of our meals included biscuits for breakfast, tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch, and spaghetti with garlic bread for dinner. Also, throughout the day we made cookies, which were heavenly.