October 11-13, 2019

We went to our first major event as a troop. The Seneca District had their Fall Camporee, with a theme of “Mountain Man Rendezvous,” so our girl troop got to be “Mountain Men” for a weekend!
One activity we did in preparation for the Camporee was that we had a troop meeting where we learned about lashing. We also collected some bamboo stalks for us to use as a frame for our gateway.

We arrived early on Friday, set up our campsite area, and lashed together our gateway so we could designate our area and display our banner.

Saturday morning started with a yummy breakfast.

Next was a district-wide flag ceremony, where we got to display our new patrol flags along with our troop flag. Looking great!

The rest of the day on Saturday was where we got to rotate and try out the different stations.
Some of our favorites were Foosball, Slingshot, Archery, Two-Man Saw, Branding, and throwing sharp things like knives and tomahawks. The Agility Trail was also cool. We didn’t get pictures of everything, but we had an amazing day!

We had a short break for lunch

Saturday night was the campfire, and our troop led a flag retirement ceremony as the final event there.
Sunday morning, we packed everything up, and got ready to do our hike at Maryland Heights. Unfortunately, there were several other troops with the same idea, so the parking lot was full and with so many cars there, the trail was surely going to be crowded.
We changed the plan (because, hey, a scout is flexible) and we went to Weverton Cliffs instead. This satisfied the Camping Merit Badge requirement to hike 1,000 feet as part of a campout.

We also met up with Girl Troop 214 on the trail!